Harry Potter Remains Popular Series

First published June 26, 1997, Harry Potter is a seven book series written by J. K. Rowling and later a movie series that started in 2001.

“It’s an interesting series and I would recommend that other people read it and or watch the, but the movies don’t completely match up to the books,” said Alexis Peterson, a sophomore.

“I’ve never read the books, but I have seen all the movies and I’m a fan,” said MIa Howard, a junior.

The Harry Potter series is actually the first major chapter book that read in elementary school, and if you’re into fantasy, then I highly recommend Harry Potter.

“I am a big fan of the series, but my older brother did ruin some of the plot for me because he read them before me,” said Audrey Meza, a freshman.

It really is magical, when reading the book or becoming so immersed in the movie that it almost feels real, is the greatest thing. It feels as though you are also taking the classes and going through the hardships of characters with them.

“Even with the differences from the book to movie adaption, the movies still stayed close to what actually happened in the book, and I think it’s because Rowling was there helping to make it happen,” said Nic Meza, a sophomore.

“I did try to get into the movies, but it was really difficult because for me it was just slow and difficult to keep watching, it’s just not my thing, and I don’t read fantasy much,” said Miao Miao, a junior.

“I have a lot of friends that have read the books, but my ‘to read’ book list is so long that Harry Potter really isn’t a priority, and I don’t think will ever be up there on ‘to read’. Don’t get me wrong, it’s plot and movies are entertaining but it’s not something I would read,” says Howard.

“I don’t really have an opinion for Harry Potter, I don’t read and I have only seen a couple of the movies, so yeah, I don’t really have an opinion for Harry Potter,” said Stas Monroe, a junior.

Even with the original series completed, Rowling has said, “Whether you come back by page or the big screen, Hogwarts will always welcome you home.”

I think many people take this to heart, because in a way, Hogwarts became a home for many people throughout the series.

With the new book coming out this July, it has many people excited or on the fence about it. It’s The Cursed Child and it starts 19 years after the end of the second book. I think many are just nervous that it will be a let down from the high expectations from the original series.

“I’m really excited for it and can’t wait for it to come out but I’m terrified that it won’t be as good as the others,” said Peterson.

Harry Potter is an extremely popular series and many people enjoy it.