Review: “Get Out” Isn’t Just a Horror Movie

The movie “Get Out,” directed by Jordan Peele, released on the 14th of February, 2017, and brought in $33 million on opening weekend.

Receiving a 99 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, a rating that not many movies have achieved, “Get Out” has been a smashing hit amongst critics and casual moviegoers.

“It was so good,” said Sydney Asplund, a junior at Dimond High School. “It was so spooky, and it definitely deserved the hype.”

“It was a very well made and eye opening movie,” said Claire Miller, a junior at Dimond High School. “I really liked it, and I think it deserved the hype, even though I didn’t hear a lot about it before seeing it.”

Following the story of Chris Washington, a black man who goes to visit his white girlfriend’s family for the weekend, “Get Out” takes a dark turn when Washington realizes that something is amiss with the black servants that his girlfriend’s family, the Armitages, employ.

“Get Out” isn’t just a horror movie— it is a psychological thriller that highlights the casual racism that is still prevalent in society today.

Peele creates a sense of deep discomfort as the movie progresses, making watchers aware that something is off, but being unable to identify what’s wrong until near the end.

All of the strange instances in the film contribute and lead up to the climactic moment of the film: while Washington and Rose Armitage are taking a walk after the gathering, the white people who attended the gathering are seen using bingo cards to bid on Washington.

This scene is used to reveal the major plot twist in the movie.

The Armitages are kidnapping African Americans and transplanting old white people’s brains into them so that they can live in prime physical condition, making it so that the true owner of the body has no physical control.

It is a twist that in any other situation would seem strange and out of nowhere.

In “Get Out,” however, the twist makes perfect sense.

“[The twist] was incredibly effective,” said Asplund. “It had the white people be “the bad guy,” and it allowed black people to be scared and feel justified.”

It takes every feeling of unease that the audience may have been feeling, every instance that raised red flags,  and gave it a reasonable, if horrifying, explanation. It wasn’t just in your head, it was real, and it was dangerous.

“The movie opened the eyes of people who appropriate culture, and [of] others who are unaware of the struggles that black people go through,” said Miller. “A lot of the social impact we had happened before the “scary” part.”

The same can be said for racism in America today.

African American’s completely valid fears are often seen as unjustified or irrational, and they are ostracized for it.

“Get Out” takes this common situation of a black person feeling this kind of fear and gives it a justified scenario, and an ending that is positive for them.

It is a new genre of movie, and hopefully one that will continue to be seen.