Dimond Drama Club is headed off to Scotland to perform in a festival exclusive to only the very best drama production clubs. The club at Dimond, headed by Wilma Keller, was one of 50 schools selected out of about 2000 schools nationwide to head to Scotland for the American High School Theatre Festival, or AHSTF. The club will be performing Cactus Gulch Opry House by P. Shane Miller, a play they will be performing around town before their departure on July 29th. The team will return mid August, just before school starts. Members of the club going on the club include, Smith Griggs, Mari Travelio, Madaline Anderson, and Nick Collins. The senior members on the trip will be Wilma Keller and Justin Oller, an old drama club alum. On the way to Scotland, the club will stop in New York City, and see a performance on broadway. “I think we’re going to see Phantom of the Opera or something.” Smith Griggs, a junior who will be in the summer of his senior year during the trip, says. It is really an honor for Dimond to have been selected for the festival and a testament to the hard work they have put into rehearsal all year long. Since they will be returning before school begins that gives them plenty of time to keep up the good work and hopefully be invited along yet again in the future.