New Staff at Dimond

Ms. Whitney D’Atri is the assistant principal and student activities for Dimond High School.

She sometimes goes to the sports games, both for work and for fun. She also wants to set up good protocols for us and for the safety of everyone. She said she plans to stay for a while; 4 or 5 years, but it could be longer because she doesn’t plan on leaving Dimond. She likes the environment, and she said she likes the spirit we students and staff bring to the table. 

She helped out at Clark, Begich, Wendler, Bartlett, East, and Benny Benson. She taught Social Studies at Clark; and at Begich, East, and at Wendler she helped out with the staff. At Bartlett, she helped with behavior support. She likes how the staff cares about how we do in classes and likes how we all care about being successful to graduate.