New Staff at Dimond

We now have a new math teacher: Ms. Childress. She came from Virginia, where she also went to college for mathematics, but it wasn’t for teaching. After she finished college, she got offered a spot in a master’s program to teach; that’s why she teaches now. She said she loves teaching; when she was in Virginia, she taught Math 7 and 8 on top of Pre-Algebra. She is also qualified to teach all secondary math. She moved to Alaska because she wanted to be in the city, and she chose to teach at Dimond because we have a lot of school spirit. She has met new coworkers, including fellow math teachers. She said she’s getting settled in well and wants the kids to be more engaged in math and participate more. She loves working at Dimond and loves the kids here. She plans on staying here for a while so if you see her in the hallways make her feel welcomed and respected at Dimond.