iPhone or Android: The Choice is Yours

Many people around the world have either an iPhone or an Android. For the past couple of years there has been an argument about which phone is better, the iPhone or the Android.

I think that the iPhone is much better than the Android. Since I have an iPhone, I am more comfortable with the iPhone than the Android.

I also think that people use the iPhone a little more than the Android.

I’ve also seen more accessories for iPhone than  accessories for Androids. Some Androids do not have most of the accessories that IPhones have.

“I have an iPhone, and I think that it has everything I need. I think that it is better than the Android, it’s easier to use than the Android,” Sophomore Ahnna Mercier said.

There are also some features that the iPhones have that Androids do not have.

For example, the newest versions of the IPhone, the IPhone 6 and IPhone 6 plus have a slightly bigger screen than most of the Androids.

Also, both the IPhone 5s  the IPhone 6 and IPhone 6 plus will let you use your fingerprint as your passcode, a feature Android still does not have.

The iPhone also lets you to pick who your favorite contacts are on your iPhone. On the Android it only shows who you frequently call.

I also notice how the iPhone camera is better than Android. Looking at the iPhone camera, you can choose the size of the photo and edit the photo.

With the Android camera, it lets you take the picture in a full size of the screen.

Even though I think that the iPhone is better, the Android  has some features that are better than those of the iPhone.

One is that there are many types of Androids, unlike iPhone, which has just one type of phone.  Android has Samsung, LG and many more brands.

Also, most Androids have a charger that pops out so you can put another charger in that will make your phone fully charged. With the iPhone you have to keep charging it with a plugged in charger.

Android is a lot more organized with their apps than the iPhone is.  Android  lets you have all the important apps on the home screen, and the less important in some other space.

On the iPhone it lets you put apps in a folder, which makes it hard to find the app you want to use.

Android also has a much easier keyboard than the iPhone keyboard. Android has punctuations and letters on one keyboard,which iPhone has not done yet.

While iPhone has  Siri, Android also has a voice assistant.

I think that Android’s voice assistant is better than Siri. Android’s voice assistant does not have a personality, and does what you ask.

Honestly, I think that both phones are  useful and have their own pros and cons.

“I like both  the iPhone and Android. The iPhone has more of a decent size, and more simple. Android is a lot more complex, and can do more than the iPhone,” Sophomore Chris Bulfa said.

I do agree that both phones useful. I think that it depends what phone is more comfortable for you to use.