Are Energy Drinks Good for You?

With how early school starts, caffeine is something that teenagers take in very consistently. Energy drinks are a quick and affordable way to get this caffeine, however, it’s a well-known fact that these drinks are not good for you. But the real question is what are the actual consequences of energy drinks?

  1. Dehydration. Caffeine is a diuretic and that can cause dehydration
  2. Anxiety. Caffeine is a stimulant and stimulants can be a cause of anxiety and shaky hands. 
  3. Insomnia. Stimulants promote brain activity which prevents sleep
  4. Caffeine intoxication. This is not very common but if someone intakes too much caffeine it can cause intoxications
  5. Sugar. Many energy drinks have added sugar or fake sugars that are not good for young adults
  6. Acute Liver Failure. Drinking multiple energy drinks a day over an extended period of time can cause severe liver complications

In conclusion, while occasional energy drinks can be helpful, consistent use of energy drinks can lead to many consequences. Coffee is a healthier alternative to energy drinks and can actually have more caffeine content.