
Pets are a wonderful thing to have to play with and to just be around. Some people say when you are down, if you have a pet more likely a dog then they will come to you and it does help you back up and they are very comforting. Many pets in the world can be from just a regular dog or cat or as extravagant as a bear. Most people I know usually have dogs or cats, sometimes a bird or a hamster. Someday I wanna meet someone that has an exotic pet like a bear or a lion. I used to have a pet and he brought me and my family lots and lots of joyful memories.

Just imagine one day when you wake up you get ready and you go see your pet bear and he’s trained and gives you the biggest bear hug of all time. I know someone that said their animals are angels and are perfect. Somebody in my journalism class said he would own a bear with me. Some animals in the world can be pets in some states such as the Capybara. The capybara is a very small rodent that can be yours depending on what state you’re in but they sure would be cool to have. Animals can come in all different shapes and sizes depending on what you want to own in your lifetime. What do you want to own if you get the chance?