Why You Should Thrift!

Sixty percent of clothes have plastic in them. Plastic is very bad for the environment, ruining the ecosystem, increasing pollution, and harming natural resources around the world in all environments. If you see polyester on the inside tag of your clothes, there is plastic in them. While it is never good to produce more plastic, it will be a long time until people stop using polyester inside clothing. So, a way that you can help the environment–and possibly yourself–is through thrifting!

Thrifting your clothes, donating your own, finding special jewelry, pottery, and kitchenware, it’s all helpful. You can find interesting things at thrift shops, items you didn’t even know you needed before then. Some people may be put off by owning second-hand pieces, but thrifted clothes are not dirty. You should always wash your new clothes and possibly deep clean (adaptive to whatever piece of your choice to not damage them,) is recommended, but just because they are second-hand doesn’t make them less useful. Don’t feel pressured to buy everything you need from thrift stores, but it’s a good thing that everyone can benefit from.

When you thrift, you are very likely to get a very good deal! Some official stores donate clothes that haven’t been bought, meaning you are saving money and getting things straight from the box. There is also a chance to get some really expensive brands for a reasonable price. Some places, like Goodwill, offer a 50% or less discount on all items–and they get direct donations from places like Target.

Thrifting can be a very fun activity. Going around to different stores means finding hidden treasures. There are thrift stores that target specific categories with clothes, furniture, jewelry, and antiques. re: MADE, The Hoarding Marmot, The Bargain Shop and The Possibilities Shop all lean toward clothing, while others, Like JJ, used furniture, and many antique stories focus on Furniture and lost treasures. Value Village and Goodwill have some of everything, with pottery, glasses, and clothes–perfect for a redecoration. You never know what you are going to find, and it’s always a fun adventure while saving money on something you love.

Donating your clothes is something to consider. Instead of using them as hand-me-downs for your siblings or keeping them in your closet, you can donate them to your favorite store! You do not need to disclose the original price, the owners value it themselves to ensure their customers are getting a good sale. Donating your clothes can also be fun, some stores offer a trading deal. Bring what you want to donate, and pick something you’d like in exchange! It’s a simple and fun way to get rid of things you don’t need anymore.

Thrifting clothing is very important and can be valuable for everyone. Buying pots and pans, little glass trinkets, or fashionable clothing, you can always find something at a local store. You’ll be saving money, helping the environment, going on a treasure hunt, and stopping your contribution to fast fashion. Maybe that article of clothing you never wear anymore, collecting dust in your closet, can really help someone else in need.