Bottle Flipping: A Peculiar Trend

Recently, a very peculiar trend has swept through the walls of Dimond High School and other schools around the Anchorage School District.

This is no ordinary trend; unlike most, it seems to only have an effect on male students.

As 2016 came to a close and 2017 began, it became very clear that bottle flipping has become a huge deal.

The premise of the trend is taking a plastic water bottle, filling it 25 percent up with water, and then tossing into the air and praying that it lands lid side up.

The mystery seems to be, why is this only entertaining for males?

It seems to be that girls spend their time doodling and taking notes in class whereas boys are found incessantly flipping these bottles.

Some boys have even taken it down to the precise science of what brand of water bottle works best and what line in the bottle to fill the water to.

Wesley Compton, a junior at Dimond, said, “I’ve come to the conclusion that ArrowHead water bottles flip the best because they are wider than Fred Myers Purified Drinking Water. Typically I fill mine three notches from the bottom and it will land every single time.”

For many boys this has become a friendly competition among friends. They’re transfixed on the flip and land cycle of repetition.

Kurt Florez, a junior at Dimond, said, “When me and my friends stay at school for lunch we like to meet in the commons and recently our lunches have turned into a huge bottle flip off. We see who can get the most landings in a row without dropping the bottle.”

There’s no question that boys are entranced by this popular habit, but girls on the other hand seem to find it rather pointless.

Kalimah Toney, a senior at Dimond, said, “I find this trend obnoxious because the constant sound of splashing water while I’m in class really irritates me. I also work at Olive Garden and young boys and even boys my age will be flipping their water bottles at the table. I’ve actually had to ask a customer to stop before so the other tables around them wouldn’t be annoyed.”

Bottle flipping has become so extreme boys are flipping objects other than plastic water bottles.

Debora West, a junior at Dimond, said, “My youngest brother [14] has used one of my perfumes from PINK to flip and he’s also used a soda bottle which my mom later exploded on herself. From then on he was only allowed to bottle flip in the garage and only with the cheap plastic water bottles.”

The trend has come to a point where teachers, parents and siblings are beginning to draw the line.

Adriana Micheletto, a Dimond parent, said, “I don’t mind the whole bottle flipping phase but I do mind the sound, so I prefer my kids to do it in their rooms and to keep any competitions friendly.”

Everyone at Dimond has been affected by the bottle flipping trend, whether they’re positively impacted and participating or dealing with the sound.