This article is about the constant powerful school spirit of A.J. Dimond High School art teacher, Cullen Lickingteller (LT). LT is notorious throughout Dimond for being energetic and full of school spirit. For our first question, we asked LT what drives him to be so spirit-oriented at Dimond. LT replied “There’s too many kids in this generation that don’t care about squat and when I find out that a kid loves something I will support them and do whatever I can to encourage them to go after that thing that they love.” then we asked him out of all the games he’s attended which were the most exciting one, “there’s not one in particular but I remember some really clutch games that I’ve been to where we won in the last second, or lost in the last second” LT then brought up the last service vs diamond volleyball game where service was up two sets and Dimond ended up coming back and winning the last set by one point. LT also talked about the state championship girl’s soccer game where Dimond was winning by one point the whole game then South tied it in the last thirty seconds and won it in overtime. He followed up by saying “Those are the ones you remember for the rest of your life.” We chose Alan Wu, Dimond’s student for his thoughts on LT. First we asked Alan to give five words to describe LTs spirit, Alan replied “relatable, hyper, knowledgeable, ambitious and crazy.” For our last question we asked Alan if he appreciated LTs spirit, Alan replied “oh definitely, yes, he’s one of the few people in this school who have spirit”