Have books been not as engaging for you lately, and getting somewhat boring? Want to have a good recommendation for something else to grab at your local library soon. Then keep reading for information about the author Jodi Picoult.
She has published over 20+ books, and constantly releases new novels almost every year. This brings my interest in how she got to have such amazing books that constantly get ranked #1 New York Times bestselling. Her background consists of her education at 2 Ivy League Universities, which is honestly astonishing! She attended Princeton University to study creative writing and graduated with an A.B. (Bachelor of Art) in English, then later on went to Harvard University to get a master’s degree in writing. This also includes the two doctor of letter degrees that she got from the University of New Haven and Dartmouth College. She also has spoken in front of others who were pursuing their careers.”In 2016, Picoult was selected to be Princeton’s Class Day Speaker before commencement.” (Picoult, n.d.) Even while she was still in school she released short stories in Seventeen Magazine. This got her a head start doing editing jobs, and she even wanted to share her interests with the youth and taught an 8th-grade English class.
Later on, in 2007, she released the book Nineteen Minutes this book got #1 New York Times. This book is about how a school shooting started and the heartbreaking aftermaths that affect people in the book.“ The characters include Alex Cormier, a superior court judge; her daughter Josie, a junior in high school; Lacy, Lewis, and Peter Houghton; Detective Patrick Ducharme; and several victims-to-be.” (Picoult, n.d.)If this book spikes your interest out of her many books visit your local library, or go on Amazon they’re all under $15! Her phenomenal book caught the attention of Warner Bros, and they gave her a position to write Vol 3. 6-10 Wonder Woman DC Comics for 3 months. Since this didn’t last long she went back to writing more books, not for the money but her influence in wanting to interest others in her gift of writing. These are her words talking about her intentions “I’m never going to win the Nobel prize for literature, not going to win a National Book award, never even going to be nominated. What you trade for that is sales and readership. And I would rather reach more people. It would be very nice to not be unfairly accused of being a bad writer, but hopefully, if you do pick up one of my books, you will be quickly disabused of that notion.” (Picoult, n.d.) Her most famous books since she started her career are “My Sister’s Keeper”, “Small Great Things”, “Nineteen Minutes”, and “House Rules”. All of these books are based on unusual and intriguing events that might relate to you! So the next time you work in our library here at Dimond, take a stab at something new and see what satisfies your current interests.