Getting Ready for Winter

Winter is approaching faster than usual this year as we’ve already had our first snowfall a couple of weeks ago. With winter approaching fast, I’ve decided to write about a couple of things you can do to prepare, and a couple of things you can do to have fun this winter!

If you drive or plan on driving this winter, you’re probably going to want to get studded tires as the roads are becoming icy and slick. It’s also that time of year when you’re going to want to warm up your car before you leave for school in the morning. If you need a new jacket now is also a good time as prices for jackets will probably increase as winter begins and fall ends.

Some fun thing you can do this winter is to join a winter sport. The list of winter sports you can play at Dimond are Basketball, Bowling, Cheerleading, Cross Country Skiing, and Hockey. Another fun thing you could do this winter is go sledding. When was the last time you went sledding? It probably wasn’t in the last few years. You could try building a snowman, I know I haven’t done that in a few years, and you probably haven’t either. Winter is a fun time in Alaska for many people so make the most of it and have fun this year.